Get a conditional offer for your vehicle below.
You'll enter your vehicle details, capture photos of your car, and get a conditional offer* within 3 business hours. To Ensure you get the Best Resale Value of your Vehicle, We Encourage you to Speak with one of our Experts who will Gladly Appraise your Vehicle for Free!
Start your Trade-In process below to Speak with an Expert TODAY!
We will buy your car, even if you don't buy ours.
At Mississauga Honda we like to keep things simple. Just provide us with some information on your vehicle and we will make you an offer that is good for 5 Days or 250km. In most cases we can provide a value without even seeing the car in person until you drop it off and pick up your cheque. We can even pay out your existing lease or finance contract. What could be simpler than that?
3 Simple Steps to having your vehicle appraised:
Plus! We can Assist you with Financing and Lease Options that Work Best with You.
To Ensure you get the best resale value for your vehicle, we encourage you to speak with one of our appraisal experts who will gladly appraise your vehicle for FREE!